Diablo-style game made during the second year of TGA.
Among the other things I worked on during this project, I made a lot of the textures for both the enviroment and the characters in the game using Substance Designer, learning how to utilizie the low texel density while maintaining detail, aswell as trying to achieve the hand-painted, stylized look using procedureal textures.
I also had the pleasure to make the soundtrack for the game during my spare time which you can listen to here.
Top-down RPG inspired by Zelda, made during the first year of TGA.
I worked on many different things during this project, but one of the most interesting things I worked with was the animated water I made with Substance Designer. Prior to this I had no idea you could make animations in Substance Designer, and while I'm not sure how useful this will be in the future, it allowed me to dive deeper into Substance Designer and understand the program at a different level.
The characters in the game were all made with 3D models which where then rigged and animated by our wonderful animators. I then rendered the animations to spritesheets with Arnold using the toon shader and negative AA samples, which creates a pixel art look. I was a lot of fun to create pixel art in a very non-conventional way.
I also had the pleasure to make a lot of the sound effects, as well as the soundtrack for the game during my spare time which you can listen to here.
2D platformer made during the first year of TGA.
Among other things, I made the main character in this project. It was my first time creating the player character for a game, and I learned a lot about modelling and texturing. The character was rigged and animated by our amazing animators, and then I rendered out the spritesheets using Arnold.
I also had the pleasure to make a lot of the sound effects and the soundtrack for the game during my spare time which you can listen to here.
2D SHMUP made during the first year at TGA.
During this project I made most of the textures for the characters and creatures using Substance Painter. It was my first game project using Substance Painter, and I learned a lot about the program and all of its features. I was also in charge of rendering out all of the animations to spritesheets using Arnold.
Infinite Runner, our first project made during TGA.
This was my first game project at TGA, and it will always have a special place in my heart. I learned a lot about how to work in a team, and how a game is made. It was a lot of fun and I look back at it fondly.